Tuesday, July 17, 2012

22 and counting

July 1990. Has it really been twenty-two years?

We had known each other for most of lives. We had been dating for most of the previous year. Lovey was a few weeks away from his 30th birthday. His grandmother had called me every name except Michelle - Everleena being her favorite.

It was July. And hot. And steamy from the rain. I wouldn't let Momma bring an umbrella to the church because I had prayed that it wouldn't be raining and I had faith that God had heard that prayer. Because Lovey's daddy thought I shouldn't walk alone, my brother walked beside me. And not a drop fell as we walked from the from the fellowship hall to the front door. I was surprised at the cars and trucks filling the parking lot.

Dusty, in his tiny tux, had been told and told to take the pillow to Joey. No one thought to tell him to STAND there. He made it to the front of the church, threw the pillow to Joey, and turned to run back down the aisle. His mother, matron of honor, made a one-arm-scoop and passed him off to Nannie as she made her way to the alter. She had played catch-me-ith-you-want-me many, many times.

Lovey was nervous, and I thought that he just might pass out. Soon the ceremony was over. We cut the cake, drank some punch, and drove away. But we didn't go far. Only home to change into something more appropriate for a shop party. I just thought the church parking lot was crowded. We had bar-b-q and music and beer and friends and family. The party lasted into the wee hours of the morning.

Monday morning I had to go to class. It was a few weeks before summer school was over,  and we could take a trip to celebrate. On that trip, I was the navigator and Lovey the driver. Again this weekend, I was the navigator and Lovey the driver.

We need to turn left at the next street.

Lovey drives right past it.

That was our turn! You missed it.

You have to tell me when I need to turn.

I did! I said, "We need to turn left at the next street." That was the next street. You don't listen.

I haven't changed a damn bit in twenty-two years have I?

No. You haven't.

And I like him just the way he is.

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