Saturday, December 31, 2011

a year in review - well almost

I posted my first blog entry in February of last year. Almost a full year of blogging. Really? I've had months where I posted quite frequently, and months where I posted almost none. I don't have huge numbers of readers, but it is fun to check those stats and see that there are readers from all over the world - thank you for taking time to share a bit of my life.

As I thought about my almost year of blogging, I thought about maybe doing top ten posts list. But then I thought - they read those; maybe I should share something else. So here's my list, in no particular order or category.

I'm a terrible wife, especially before I have coffee and thirty minutes of quiet. I wrote about my morning routine in don't talk to me.

One of my favorite pictures ever of Lovey ends welcome home, a post about Lovey and his boxers.

When I first started blogging, Melissa was hosting a Saturday Confessions linky each week. And I joined her almost every week. Like here, here, and here.

Many of my posts are about the kids that I love. Like lessons learned from on Easter Sunday. They have all learned to just consider themselves blogged when I get out the camera.

And some of my posts are about my job. I've even listed my top 10 reasons for being a teacher. As much as I love my job, I do frequently ask is it Friday yet? And I sometimes get on my soapbox about standardized tests.

And Lucy Mercer makes an appearance quite frequently, sometimes with her socks, sometimes with her secrets,  sometimes she brings a friend,  and always with her partner in crime, Jacob.

When I started blogging, I had no plan, and I've written about a variety of subjects. I can jabber on and on about the funny, the bizarre, the strange. I don't frequently bare my soul. But there are a few times when I have gone a little deeper. Sharing my memories of 9/11, getting a little preachy about the predicted rapture last May, even hinting at the difficult relationship with my oldest son.

And I've posted the truth. Us, in all our unmatching, torn, stained wornout glory. Working cows and going to the bank. And even showed the dust bunnies bravely peeping from every corner of my house.

It's been a blessing to share these bits of my family and my life with you. I do enjoy knowing the posts that were your favorites, or the ones that you didn't like at all. Thank you for commenting whether on here, at church, or on Facebook.

Take a few minutes to review your 2011. What do you want to remember? How much have you already forgotten? If you don't journal or blog, think about doing it. It's great to look back and be reminded of the little things that happened throughout the year.

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